Take advantage of our 20 years of expertise in advanced engineering solutions, with the Engineering Process Accelerator Packages. These are proven integrated turnkey solutions that include cutting-edge tools, training, and side-by-side mentoring, to take you from the first steps to complete autonomy.
Optimec has packaged a complete offer for you including the best-in-class tools and Optimec’s 20 years of excellence in simulation. Unlock the benefits of simulation with a startup package from Optimec.
Our experts will walk you through the process and setup with a fixed price per month in a few easy steps:
STEP 1: A free assessment of your specific needs
STEP 2: Full access to State-of-the-art simulation software for 3-months.
STEP 3: Personalized training and coaching by our specialists
STEP 4: Connect to your current processes and data
STEP 5: Get results!

Engineering Process Accelerator Package
Integrated Modeling and Simulation
Accelerating by at least 10X your iterations between 3D Modeling and Simulation
Computer-aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) have traditionally been executed sequentially simply as legacy workflow without taking full advantage of the simulation?
Today’s software, hardware, and an adapted methodology are taking down these walls unleashing the full power of simulation. Finally!

Engineering Process Accelerator Package
Advanced Simulation for Solidworks Users
When Solidworks Premium simulation is not enough!
One size doesn’t fit all!
Simulation for Solidworks works great for the purpose it has been designed: basic FEA to help designers anticipate real-life behavior. However, in some cases this is not enough since simulating with a low degree of accuracy will defeat the purpose of FEA and ultimately will bring no value.
Therefore, we help you manage challenges such as:
- material definition/large deformations,
- contact iterations,
- iterations between multiphysics simulations (electromagnetics, CFD, Thermal, ESC, and many more)

Engineering Process Accelerator Package
Abaqus on Demand
The answer to your variable demand of Computing Power
Abaqus is a very robust solution serving the FEA community for many years. Up to now the only option to run FEA jobs, was on premise’s hardware: very robust but unable to accommodate a variable demand.
Today, we offer an extremely flexible approach leveraging the on-demand scalability of Cloud Computing combined with an on-demand licensing option.